black sox n all…

I will always look into your eyes when your hands can dip into the sigh of my skin. I will always blush when you unwrap me from within myself, when your desire for me and us and “this” overwhelms the voice that says, “I am not enough.” I will always lift and spread and arch and buck and squirm and squirt for you, reaching for your cum with each “Oh, fuck, yes. Yes.” The force of my smile for you frees you from
every small nightmare and What-Was and what Could Never Be.

You are every moan.
I am every impossible gasp.
We are the Unfolding.

a night that is a day…

I spread myself.

Give me your weight.

My arms wrap around and mark the width you are on top. My hips buck up and pause so that your heat sinks deeper.

Yes. There, there. Oh, God, yes.

My hands reach around you, up and down, I caress the waves of each pump, gripping you with each crest our moans make. I bite your lip, your shoulder – it’s all I can think to do.

We are fucking, oh fuck.

All I want to do is be filled by you. I want to taste your need. Pound me right to my core with your desire; make my cunt throb with subtle ache for days.

We dance love when it is not… and so much more.

In the silence we create as you look into my eyes, I see what I don’t understand. I feel your hand – gentle, firm – around my neck, and I squirm for a kiss.

Again. Please, again. Oh my fuck, don’t stop now.

There is no denial. There is only time – the time we take to swallow, submerge, and satiate the other. Your cock bobs and weaves its way. My mouth opens, as it must.

Fuck. Your mouth… fuck me, I love your mouth.

There is no end, only what begins anew.