my swirling wants…

I practice the art of not being chosen in all the ways that happens.
It follows me as a drumbeat set in rhythm to each step,
lightly tapping against my ribs.
I sing in counter melody;
the clouds keep forgetting the chorus.

Everything has become simple.
The perfection of light reflects deep and true.
I close my eyes against the shade and finally see;
memory, a key to a series of finicky handles.

I have seen Beautiful.
(Your pulse is proof.)
I have inhaled Almost-Promise.
I have screamed secrets to the moon:
Besides the wind,
I want only your hands sliding along the smoothest of my inner thigh,
a delicate slip and slide beneath my flitting skirt.

Sometimes our prayers sound exactly like chipping teeth.

Lovers prove false when
re-made in the image of (small) lifetimes built
upon pyres fueled: guilt, fear… shame, and more.
(I think I have a list somewhere around here.)
There is no coming quite like the certainty of going
and staying.
But I am not waiting;
I set down that map long ago,
even before you walked in and out the door.

The unknown:
may it be more than enough,
the very essence of our breath,
the very best yet.


pun intended…

Sometimes I insert us into porn photos and videos I see.
I like to think of you enjoying me.
I like to hear your breath in my ear – the sounds you make
when touching me pleases you more than you have words for.



the light comes…

My story isn’t sweet and harmonious, like invented stories.
It tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream,
like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves.

— Hermann Hesse —

as near as possible…

as near as possible
Once the realization is accepted that
even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
a wonderful living side by side can grow,
if they succeed in loving the distance between them
which makes it possible for each to see
the other whole against the sky.

— Rainer Maria Rilke

strait crossing…

strait crossing
The wind seduces me.
Like your eyes do.
Like your mouth… and tongue does.
Like your hands do.
And each sweet moan.
It matters not that I tell myself:
I am a creature of the land and my soul is the water.
It’s always the wind that captures me unawares.