ride the wind…

ride the wind


The wheat feels the shucking of its chaff as puffs of pleasure shoot and sprinkle into wild air. Rub. A sigh slides by.

We ride with abandon, parting paths with whetted tips and slickened lips. We ride.

Harvest the secrets of my heart, wrap them inside words that feel like song. See me as I am: wanton with wanting you.



yes, you are…

 Mr-Feelgood-Stuff –  “Take Your Pleasure Seriously”

I’ve ruined my panties.

yes, you are
Soaked with thots of you, they are.
You’ve made me cum three times.

yes, you are 2
And I can tell…
I’m not finished yet.

This is the persuasion of your memory.
This, the power of your presence around me.