not a man…

If you like
I’ll be furious flesh elemental,
or- changing to tones that the sunset arouses- if you like-
I’ll be extraordinary gentle,
not a man but – a cloud in trousers.

– Vladimir Mayakovsky –

a cloud in trousers

favum… vos sunt a musa

Let the wax raise
green statues, let the honey
drip in infinite tongues, let the ocean be a big comb
and the Earth a tunic of flowers, let the World
be a cascade, magnificent hair, unceasing
growth of Beedom.

– Pablo Neruda –

spreading her wings


Dear Gentle Sir,

When you fuck me, don’t say we’re making love.

Just ride me. Let me ride you, my dark mane gone wild. Slip your need deep into the velvet caress of my throat. Mould my tits to your strong hands. Squeeze. Ply me open with your tongue. Sweat with me. Thrash your head side to side, try not to grip the pillows. Try not to get lost. Try not to want more. Try, with each groaning gasp to tell yourself this fuck is not who you are. Let all those fingers slip inside and pound my tender cum-spot. Make me ripe. This wet splashing over eyes closed, arched spines, clenched toes. A cock alive, dancing for more. Pumping. Pounding. Pulsating. All into me. Turning us each inside outside the other.

This is not love. This is more. And nothing like before.


Lola Moi xo