to which we are attached…

Dear Gentle Sir,

There are things I remember on nights like this when the moon is full and wind blows off the crashing waves of a lake.

There was the way it felt to walk hand-in-hand, your tall shoulder shadowing mine. Our smiles, silent backdrop to the tinkling summer leaves around us. The grit of sand underfoot, wrapped around my sighs just like your strong arms once held me.

The kiss that stopped us both. The hands that peeled our clothes. The legs that gripped you as you lifted and carried me. The bed that creaked under the weight of our anticipation.

The smooth edges of your groaning cock. The weight of your chest and hips. The wet roaming of our tongues. The bucking of our moans. The spreading of my legs and bending of my back. The fucking of our fingers and mouths and more… so much.

The way it felt to look into your eyes and want more. The way it felt to see my desire mirrored. The way you moaned and reached… for me, for your cock, for me… again. The spontaneous shifts and spreadings and splitting aparts to deeper wet, to heat beyond either of our wildest dreams.

To want you. To see you. To fuck you. To squirt for you. To cum with you. To find in you, reciprocal delight.

There are things I remember on nights like this when the moon is full and wind blows off the crashing waves of a lake. Mostly, I remember magic and minor miracles… puffs of Goodness. Mostly, I remember you.

Longingly Yours,

Lola Moi xo

this wind may blow the sun in…

Dear Gentle Sir,

There is the feeling when your cock falls into the back of my throat… when it pushes its way to the very most brink of my breath.

There is the feeling as the tears well up in my eyes… when you look back at me – no, into me – and we smile.

There is the feeling of pussy petals sighing, singing, spreading to make room for you… when my hard nipples make a different kind of mark than my scratches on your back and my heated bites on your shoulder.

There is the feeling of being held under sunsets that smell like summer fires… when you kiss my forehead and in braille, your lips write “I love you.”

Sweetly Yours,

Lola Moi xo

a night that is a day…

I spread myself.

Give me your weight.

My arms wrap around and mark the width you are on top. My hips buck up and pause so that your heat sinks deeper.

Yes. There, there. Oh, God, yes.

My hands reach around you, up and down, I caress the waves of each pump, gripping you with each crest our moans make. I bite your lip, your shoulder – it’s all I can think to do.

We are fucking, oh fuck.

All I want to do is be filled by you. I want to taste your need. Pound me right to my core with your desire; make my cunt throb with subtle ache for days.

We dance love when it is not… and so much more.

In the silence we create as you look into my eyes, I see what I don’t understand. I feel your hand – gentle, firm – around my neck, and I squirm for a kiss.

Again. Please, again. Oh my fuck, don’t stop now.

There is no denial. There is only time – the time we take to swallow, submerge, and satiate the other. Your cock bobs and weaves its way. My mouth opens, as it must.

Fuck. Your mouth… fuck me, I love your mouth.

There is no end, only what begins anew.

blessings for the longest night…

All throughout these months
as the shadows
have lengthened,
this blessing has been
gathering itself,
making ready,
preparing for
this night.

It has practiced
walking in the dark,
traveling with
its eyes closed,
feeling its way
by memory
by touch
by the pull of the moon
even as it wanes.

So believe me
when I tell you
this blessing will
reach you
even if you
have not light enough
to read it;
it will find you
even though you cannot
see it coming.

You will know
the moment of its
by your release
of the breath
you have held
so long;
a loosening
of the clenching
in your hands,
of the clutch
around your heart;
a thinning
of the darkness
that had drawn itself
around you.

This blessing
does not mean
to take the night away
but it knows
its hidden roads,
knows the resting spots
along the path,
knows what it means
to travel
in the company
of a friend.

So when
this blessing comes,
take its hand.
Get up.blessing
Set out on the road
you cannot see.

This is the night
when you can trust
that any direction
you go,
you will be walking
toward the dawn.

– Jan Richardson –

to make them blush…

to make him blush

The words that make the rose bloom were also said to me.
The words told to the cypress to make it grow strong and straight,
The instructions whispered to the jasmine,
And whatever was said to the sugarcane to make it sweet,
And to the pomegranate flowers to make them blush,
The same thing is being said to me.

– Anne Lamott –

rose bloom