skin lane…

People think that it is in the tangle of bodies, in the actual congress, that one person invades another and takes possession of them; that it is on the bed that we give ourselves up.

Well it is true that there is a surrender there that is unlike any other, but the real time they get under your skin is when you spend these hours alone, preparing for them; imagining them.

That is everything, sometimes more.


— Neil Bartlett

under this glorious moon…

We could be taking in such sweet delight.
We could be enjoying the best sex of our lives.
We could be hard and wet from such an invite.
We could be smiling as the other writhes.

Come to bed.
While the moon whispers what is most true.
Come to bed.
While you see this look I have from wanting you.
Come to bed.
This pleasure we share needs tending to.

minor walking miracles…

Dear Gentle Sir,

My clothes got wet tonite thanks to an accidental post-work shower overflow. I managed to get my pants mostly dried. I chose to walk home under a throbbing moon without any panties on. With every step, I thot of you.


Lola xo