when we belong to the world…

Another evening ends, and the public goodbyes are said. They walk under cool skies, appearing calm to anyone who might see them. Yet their hearts beat brisk as they walk side by side, wrists barely touching.  They sneak a kiss under a tree and again around the corner as he pulls her to him, pressing her against the brick while she, standing on tippy toes, eagerly reaches to meet his lips…

Your voice husky in my ear: you can’t wait for me. This is what you say.

Another moon rises while songs and words echo from the evening’s entertainment – an evening like so many others but none like this – just before this moment. He holds yet another door open for her, inhaling her as she passes under his nose. His cock is bone-heavy, and pushes against his pants, almost panting, he wants her so badly. He leads her now, holding her hand where no one can see, through a door they’ve walked through countless times before.

My voice hungry in your ear: you touch yourself for me. This is what you do.

And when he locks the door he knows this is it; he knows he will never go back, that nothing else will matter like this will… does… and she, she will never be the same.  Finally, they are alone. There is no hiding, no more waiting. She is wet. All she wants is for him to slip between her smooth folds, she has shaved especially in anticipation. He smiles at her sweet shiver.

Your breath catches: my wet wraps around you. This is what you want.

The soft music fills the air around them – this music, playing on a cd he’s made for her because he wants to fill her with music – like she does him. When his thick, full rod throbs against the end of her small, tight cunt their music swells and every time after this, whenever she hears this music, she will hear his whimpers for her supple curves, feel his tongue suckling her ear, neck, and pert nipples; she will feel the vibration of his moans, and feel his hands tugging on her like his life depends on her.  Looking only into the brightness of her adoration, and her vitality, he blinds himself to everything but this music.

You look deep into my eyes: my small makes way for your big. This is why you are here.

Her voice gasps his name. His rhythm pounces on his need and she obliges, she obliges, she begs and nods and grasps and arches and he drinks her in with every inch he is.  Their muffled animal cries sink into corners of the other’s skin. She imprints on him, in him, to the end of his bone(s). She is one of many and yet, somehow tonight, she feels like the first, maybe even… and so he lets her be the Only for this moment that lasts forever.  And when they cum, they cum together slowly, their breath hot as the Sahara – fevered and languorous. Each breath takes a lifetime to catch again.

(They listen between settling breaths: traffic winging in the distance, a branch against a window, raccoons fighting, buds blooming, or maybe snow falling, a faraway sigh between commercials, rumblings of metal below…)

You kiss and caress me: you smile your love.  This is what you take.

That is where we are.

it went like this…

I want you, your brain, your body
to fuck me senseless, to leave me with whisker burn for days
to feel naked even with clothes on
for want of remembering the way you look at me
i want you to kiss me everyfuckingwhere
and lick me
grab me and hold me
(yes, fuck)
i want you, your brain, your body
to make love, sweet and gentle and slow
to me, just me
to love and fuck
fuck and love
(it’s all i want)
until i am turned inside out from care
left beautiful for your caresses
left shining from deep adoration
(fuck, yes)
our lingering goosebumps
a living torture
wanting to give more
a testament to shared desire
this once-gift
(yes yes yes)

an irretrievable truth between lovers

– Lola Moi –

the peace of wild things…

When despair grows in me
and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting for their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

– Wendell Berry –

wild honey

parable of tomorrow…

Thus with my lips have I denounced you, while my heart,
bleeding within me,
called you tender names.

It was love lashed by its own self that spoke. It was pride half slain that fluttered in the dust. It was my hunger for your love that raged from the housetop,
while my own love,
kneeling in silence, prayed your forgiveness.

– Kahlil Gibran –

parable of tomorrow

the great advantage of being alive…

(instead of undying) is not so much
that mind no more can disprove than prove
what heart may feel and soul may touch
—the great(my darling)happens to be
that love are in we,that love are in we

and here is a secret they never will share
for whom create is less than have
or one times one than when times where—
that we are in love,that we are in love:
with us they’ve nothing times nothing to do
(for love are in we am in i are in you)

this world (as timorous itsters all
to call their cowardice quite agree)
shall never discover our touch and feel
—for love are in we are in love are in we;
for you are and i am and we are(above
and under all possible worlds)in love

a billion brains may coax undeath
from fancied fact and spaceful time—
no heart can leap,no soul can breathe
but by the sizeless truth of a dream
whose sleep is the sky and the earth and the sea.
For love are in you am in i are in we

– e. e. cummings –

a promise worth keeping…

This breath between us is for the givingness of time.
This look between us is the click-click of heels – someone’s, not mine.
This touch between us, a moment quickly forgotten.
This imprint of your kiss, stolen.
This breath between us is the forgiveness of time.
We will go forward reaching back.
We are blind even as we hope, with each whisper
We will become what we deserve.

– Lola Moi –

the earth whispers…

The universe is small enough
to hold hands with mystery
as it stuffs another number in its pocket.
Vast, starlit skies
pause in their dance with the moon
looking for keys that jangle
in some unseen corner of a shoulder bag.
Silver spills like milk across a prussian-hued nightstand.
The earth whispers, “Shhhh…”
tucking in against the chill
while verdant winds weep
along a nape
daring to loiter in hair now tied back, taut.
The earth whispers, “Shhhh…”
We stop
and our echoes diminish.
Love is mute
and I have gone to bed.

– Lola Moi –

catch your breath…

Honeyed alabaster.

Flawless skin, smooth like silk.  No, like air.  She moves across the room and you can’t take your eyes off her.  A freckle.  A cocktail dress clings to the sides of her small, generous curves; her breasts slightly rambunctious and buoyant.  The emerald-green bounces light into her sweet, brown eyes. The waves and coils of her hair catch your breath like a spider’s web.


I slip between you: softly, hungrily licking and lifting the creamy sauce from her slick, velvety creases.

Our cries – melodic in their intensity, harmonized in their passion – crescendo.


– Lola Moi –