make it your business to build fires…

I shaved my landing strip for you. Lying in bed now, I trace. The impossible smooth of my mound wraps all the way around and through to wherever I imagine your mouth wants to travel. I trace myself, recalling the width of your hands—warm like my moan.

I don’t spread my legs; I cross them so that my sleek, bold clit upstages my miles-of-smooth. I squeeze my thighs tighter and pleasure shoots down my long, lean legs. I squirm just so. You know. And when I close my eyes, I see you looking at me, staring into my big brown eyes with a hunger that stirs me to my every tip.

I flush with heat, with longing for your hot exhale on my velvety red and pink and darkest softest parts… the breath that parts my waters, that soaks my bed, that makes my throat catch with pleasured cries of “More. Oh, my fuck, please. More.”

the way we live now (or, in search of lost time)…

Tonight, the moon is sombre though you wouldn’t know it;
it nestles its backside into the sky’s lap, each buck-and-grind a falling star.
Nights like this make one ache in mysterious ways.

A man once fingered me in a dark parking lot. His fingers were long and clever. He growled his pleasure in my ear and bit my lip. When he made me cum, my head fell back with air clusters catching in my throat. His kisses were coos. Tears streamed down my face; he said they tasted sweet, like stardust.

Constellations were the First Stories; we are all descended from such brilliance. We are the dreams of ancestors come true. When we look into another’s eyes, we give up the secret of what we most need – the Darkness holds it until the wind takes it up… and away, back to its first breath.

We are the ache of life’s mysterious ways.
The moon is restless as you lick my skin with the tip of your cock.
Tonight, the darkness holds us.
We are not alone.

Lola Moi –

forever is composed of nows…

I wake to the memory of your body; kissing your back, your ass, your chest. My fingers running along your tummy and waist, under your shirt. Your smells. Our hands gripped tight in sweet, heated pleasure. My legs around your hips. My feet pushing against yours & in your mouth… the way you look at me when we kiss… of being in your arms, tracing your width, wrapping my arms around you. when I’m not even fully awake, my body yearns for yours.  All I want is to feel that again – to feel you on my skin and inside me, to slide you between my lips, and feel you so deep. Fuck. Here in bed, naked for you, you make me moan, like, out loud. And I want you to hear me, to watch me take my time, and hold me as I buck: fuckfuck fucking hot fuck.

Hit the snooze button.
Hit it hard.
Yes, hard.
Fuck, yes.

a promise worth keeping…

This breath between us is for the givingness of time.
This look between us is the click-click of heels – someone’s, not mine.
This touch between us, a moment quickly forgotten.
This imprint of your kiss, stolen.
This breath between us is the forgiveness of time.
We will go forward reaching back.
We are blind even as we hope, with each whisper
We will become what we deserve.

– Lola Moi –

need grips me…

awake with you

Dear Gentle Sir,

Fuck me.

Take me deep and hard and hot until you spill everything and then, we’ll find more.

Even if I have to suck it out of you, we’ll find it.

Achingly Yours,

Lola Moi xo


Dear Gentle Sir,

If I were your skin, I would be Bliss.
If I were your hands, I would never dress.
If I were your heart, I would give you exactly what you wanted… needed.
If I were your eyes, I wouldn’t take me off you.
To be your diaphram would be a breathtaking adventure.
And only Truth would fall from your mouth, if I were your tongue.

Your brain, could it comprehend the magnitude of my desire for you
would be confused to understand all this
I have for your flawed perfection.

If you were me, you would know joy
every time I looked at you
and heard your voice
or watched you walk
witnessing you being who you are in this world.

If you were my cunt, you would
Just like I am now
wantinglongingrememberingthinking of you.

Yes, you, gentle sir.


Lola Moi xo